Optometrist - Adjusting Your Current Prescription

At least once a year, everyone should see an optometrist to go through an eye exam and test vision. While some people put this off until they have problems, others work to be conscientious and do the best they can to take care of their eyes. There are signs that let individuals know that something may not be right with their vision. When this happens, it is important to schedule another appointment and find out if the current prescription needs to be adjusted in any way.

Warning Signs

Do you remember what types of things happened to lead you into the optometrist office in the first place? You may have started noticing that you tended to squint when you were trying to see close up or further away. You might have started to get headaches if you read for an extended amount of time. In some cases, you may have found yourself unable to read or make out certain letters from a distance. These signs lead you to believe that it was time to see professional and get your eyes checked.

If you have started to notice any of these signs creeping back in, it is time to see your optometrist again. There is a chance that your eyes have adjusted or changed in some way. If this is the case, the glasses or contacts that you are currently using are not going to work for you. While they may help with some aspect of your sight, they are not going to be able to get rid of these symptoms.

Making an Appointment

When you call to set up an appointment, make sure that you mention the symptoms that you are experiencing. You may also want to let the person know that you think you might need to change your prescription. This way, when you arrive for your appointment, you can be sure that you will go through the eye exam test and find out if there are any adjustments or changes that need to be made. If you are going to the optometrist that you usually see, he or she should have your prescription on hand. It can be compared with the current test results to see what, if anything, has changed.

Other Concerns or Issues

These signs and symptoms could be indicative of something else going on with your eyes and vision. If the test is done and there are no noticeable changes that need to be made to the prescription, the professional will want to take a look at your eyes and make sure that there is nothing else going on. If there is nothing wrong with the eye itself, if may be time to make an appointment with your primary care physician for a check up.

There are a variety of reasons to see a Chicago optometrist, but no matter what your unique needs, the team at http://www.visionsourcechicagoland.com/ can assist you.