Unfortunately, in today's world it seems that everyone have an opportunity with our health to a certain extent when we consume conventional and organic fruits and vegetables even that may not be as secure as many of us have led us to believe.
Studies of nutrients
Below are two important studies in organic and conventional, which refers to in comparison with nutritional values, with the Stanford study also that chemical contamination of the products.
The 2012 United States Stanford University
A new study from Stanford University in the United States has concluded to quote: "the rendered report little evidence that conventional foods that pose greater risks of health organic products." While the researchers found that organic products had a 30% lower risk of contamination from pesticides than conventional fruits and vegetables, organic foods are not necessarily 100% free of pesticides. Two studies of children who consume organic and conventional diets found low levels of pesticide residues in the urine of children on organic diets, although you do not know the meaning of these findings in child health.(1)
Were no consistent differences in the content of vitamin of organic products, and only a nutrient - match - was significantly higher in organic versus conventionally grown produce (and the researchers note that because few people have phosphorus deficiency, this has little clinical significance) "."(1)
The made that any of the organic products would have only a 30% lower risk of contamination from pesticides, compared with conventional products, would be enough to make many people wonder if you buy organic is really safe. In addition, Smith-Spangler, who was connected with the study [quote] said: "what I learned is that there is a great variation among agricultural practices. Apparently there are a lot of different factors that are important for predicting the nutritional quality and damage." (1) Once again, the importance of know where come from your fruits and vegetables and how they can produce (organic or conventional) should always be a priority, if it is possible to do their shopping.
European studies 2007
In 2007, scientists from Poland, France and Great Britain, reviewed organic apples, peaches, potatoes and carrots and discovered that there were higher concentrations of vitamin C and other chemicals that protect against heart attacks and cancer that the product was non-organic. Also found that organic tomatoes had more vitamin C, flavonoids and beta-carotene. (2)
The French part of the study looked at organic peaches and found that the polyphenols content was higher in the harvest and concluded that organic production had positive effects on the taste and quality of products. Similar results were also seen by researchers at the University of agriculture in Warsaw with organic tomatoes. (2)
"This research shows that there are benefits," said Dr. Kirsten Brandt of Newcastle University, who led the research. "The reason why it is so grey-area is because it is extremely difficult to measure the benefit of health in any food, but we can say that if you eat 400 grams of fruit and vegetables a day nutrients of 20 percent could get more in organic foods." (2)
Although some studies seem to show that the difference in the nutrient content between organic and non-organic can be very small, (1), should be noted that under the umbrella of organic crop production can differ greatly from agriculture industrialized-like methods to small farms and large gardens with owners able to pay greater attention to the quality of the products (including flavour)rather than simply focus on quantity.
If a good organic source can be found then no reason there why nutrient content should not be significantly more than what would normally be able to buy conventionally grown produce.
Take into consideration all the other broader than organic farming benefits has to offer (see 'The benefits of organic farming in a nut shell' in part 1 of this article) and it becomes abundantly clear that where should be spent our money, whenever possible. The study, detailed in part 1 of this article (3) showing higher recommended levels of pesticides in stressed young children the plight faced by and not only conventional, but also organic grown products (4,5,6), although it appears to be significantly less of a problem; a 30% lower risk of contamination from pesticides (1) definitely does not equal organic products as "chemical free, believed that many consumers."
So when buying organic, don't forget to ask how the product was grown what fertilizers or pesticides were used eventually which general practices the farmer/producer still? They should be more than happy to share with you their practices as always we found when they visit organic produce markets both in the United States and Great Britain.
So our recommendations would be:
Buy organic whenever possible.If it is possible to grow your own.Inform you about products, farming practices and make the producers relevant questions such as: "what fertilizers and pesticides, if any do you use?"Use 'Wash Veg' or the Grapefruit seed extract, which is supposed to help eliminate pesticide residues, if you need.Minimize your exposure to chemical residues should be a priority because there are no safe levels of toxic chemicals, even if institutions tell us differently.Bibliography
(1) Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives?: a systematic review. Published in: annals of medicine internal 04 September 2012, Vol. 157. No. 5
(3) http://www.ehjournal.net/content/11/1/83/abstract
(4) Panov, a., S. Dikalov, N. Shalbuyeva, g. Taylor, T. Sherer and j. T. Greenamyre. 2005 Model rotenone in Parkinson's disease: multiple cerebral dysfunction of mitochondria after short-term systemic rotenone intoxication. J Biol Chem 280:42026-42035
(5) Brand, l. l. and D. T. bills. 1976 Rotenone toxicity to fish in standardized laboratory tests. U S. Department Interior, no. 72. 11 pp.
(6) Lotter, D. (2003). "Organic agriculture". Sustainable agriculture 21 magazine
Knowing "what you really need to know organic Versus conventional Produce part 2"! Also visit our web site at: http://www.rawsomehealthy.com/ where you will find even more information about healthy life really means and how you and your loved ones can you free!