The Vitamin and Mineral Review

Understanding the role vitamins and minerals play in the human body is very important to ensure healthy life.Every day you're body reproduces skin,muscle,and bone, it carries red blood,nutrients and oxygen through out you're whole system.It sends out nerve singles from the brain to all the major pathways in the body.It formulates the chemical messengers that go from one organ to another issuing the instruction that help sustain life.

In order for the body to do all these things it requires the help of raw materials that contain at least 30 vitamins,minerals and dietary compounds.Many of the components in these compounds can not be manufactured in the body by it's self, and we get them through food and fluid consumption.

Vitamin and minerals are often called essential nutrients,they are essential because they perform the many different roles in the body that sustain life.They help strengthen bones,heal wounds,and build a healthy immune system. They also help convert food into energy and repair damaged cells.

Vitamins and minerals are also referred to as micro-nutrients because you're body need only tiny amounts of them to function,yet failing to get those small quantitiescan lead to disease.Just as a lack of key micro-nutrients can cause harm to the body,getting sufficient quantities will provide a substantial benefit.

Although both are considered micro-nutrients they differ in basic ways.Vitamins are organic and can be broken down by heat,air and acid.Minerals are inorganic and hold on to their chemical structure. So what does this mean? Well minerals that are in the soil and water easily find their way into our body through the plants,fish,animals,and fluids we consume.But it is harder to get vitamins through food consumption and other sources because of cooking,storage and simple exposure to the air.These things actually destroy the organic compounds of micro-nutrient.

Micro-nutrients interact together in good ways and bad ways. one example is vitamin D helps the body take the calcium it needs from the foods passing through the digestive tract, instead of harvesting it from your bones.Vitamin C helps you absorb iron more efficiently and so on.The interplay of micro-nutrients are not always cooperative, an example is that vitamin C blocks you're body's ability to assimilate the essential mineral cooper, and even a miner over load of of the mineral manganese can worsen iron deficiency.

So therefore it is important to have a basic understanding and some basic knowledge on how and why vitamin and minerals work in the human body.It is equally important to take a good quality vitamin or mineral supplement. There are so many supplements on the market today it can be quite confusing. You want to go with the organics and the ones that can be easily absorbed by the body. Learn about the company that produces the supplements and make sure they are of high standard,it is sometimes better to spend a little more money then to go with a supplement that is of low quality.So with closing this article i hope it will be good reading for people looking for some basic knowledge on vitamin and minerals.

Sincerely: From Roger at

Hello my name is Roger Fiumara and iam the author of I love to write about different health and wealth subjects and to keep people informed on the latest technologies keep an eye on my blog for latest stories