Basics About Hypertensive Disease And Its Treatment

By John Renu

The conservative estimate reveals that about one-third of the American population is subjected to the hypertensive disease with a static morbidity rate at about 1% and therefore the disease is classified as one of the life threatening diseases of recent times. The all pervading incidences of disease among developing and developed countries is more disturbing than the fact that the incidence among African-American descendants is higher by 50% than the counterparts of Mexican-American population.

The various studies have revealed that the root cause of this disease is the abnormal mental stress and strain one is subjected in the cut-throat competition. Over and above this, the sedentary lifestyle which has no scope for any physical activity aggravates the chances of the disease. You can prevent or at least delay the onset of the disease by healthy lifestyle with healthy food habits by maintaining the optimum body weight and checking the biochemical parameters.

You will generally notice that hypertensive disease would lead to high blood pressure resulting in ischemic heart in which case the heart muscles need to put in additional efforts in ensuring regular and smooth pumping of blood. The shortage of oxygen in the blood to the vital parts would cause swelling of the legs; and kidneys and liver also do not function at the optimum levels leading to further complications. The incendiary heart disease may force the enlarged left ventricle to work under more pressure to ensure sufficient amount of purified blood.

In case you experience symptoms of headache, breathlessness, blurred vision for a longer period, it is time to seek a medical opinion who may suggest the basic tests like ECG and/or echo-cardiogram or even stress test. In case of chronic cases, perhaps CT scans, calcium-score heart scan or coronary CT angiography also may be required. In order to know the functioning of heart from outside, MRI may be required or Pericardiocentesis to know the contents of fluids in the heart in some cases.

It is heartening that the complications can be prevented in case you follow the simple steps with no monetary expenditure:

Jogging and aerobic exercises, no tobacco in any form, lmited alcohol consumption, 8 glasses of water per day, reduction of saturated fats in the diet, more fruits and vegetables and minimize sodium diet.

The treatment for the dreadly hypertensive disease is either angioplasty or bypass surgery or implant of pacemaker to ensure regular pace and rhythm of the heart beat etc, could be avoided in case you comply with healthy lifestyle with good food habits and physical activity.

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